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March Minutes 2024

Brevard Soil and Water Conservation District

Board of Supervisors

Business Meeting Minutes


The Brevard Soil and Water Conservation District met in a regular public session on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, at 4:00 P.M., at Agricultural Center, 3695 Lake Drive, Cocoa, FL 32926


Board Members Present:        Bud Crisafulli, Chair

                                                      Billy Kempfer, Secretary

                                                      Brian Fleming, Vice-Chairman


Staff Members Present:           Derrick Wyle, USDA NRCS, District Conservationist

                                                       Joe Walter, UF IFAS Brevard County Agricultural Agent

                                                      Keith Newman, UF IFAS Ag Program Assistant


Presented Documents

·       Agenda

·       Water Supply Facilities Work Plan

·       UF/IFAS Extension Programs


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Bud C. and asked Brian F., Vice-Chairman, to chair the meeting.  



Review and Approval of Minutes for the prior Board of Supervisors meeting.

February Minutes were approved.


Joe W. spoke about the Canaveral Marshes Intergovernmental Agreement. Gayle (4-H Agent) and Keith N. were briefed about the reporting that needs to be done. Sunday is the next cleanup day.

Billy K mentioned that the Florida Scouts (not the Boy Scouts of America) want to participate in clean-up days.



District Conservationist Update

a.       Derrick W. had no new updates for the board. He did mention that he is attending the Spring Ranchers Forum.


Old Business

a.       Funding for Brevard County UF/IFAS Extension programs was moved to join the Ag Tour discussion later in the meeting.


New Business

a.       N/A


Open Discussion

a.       Brian F. briefly discussed the Brevard County Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. Joe W. explained some of the history of the water plan. Brian F. wants to discuss the water plan next month. Billy K. intends to mention the plan at the Ag Commission Meeting.

b.      A motion was passed to move the long-range plan and funding for Brevard County UF/IFAS Extension programs to next month.

c.       Joe W. presented the Ag Tour update to the board. After much discussion, the board wants a more detailed plan (which farms, transportation, etc.) by June’s meeting.

Billy K. made a motion to contact the Cattlemen’s Association and Farm Bureau to invite them to support the Ag Tour. The motion was seconded by Bud C. and was passed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P.M. by Bud C.


Meeting minutes submitted by Keith N.